Sunday, July 26, 2015

Surprising Myself

Over the last few years, I became used to being exhausted both physically and mentally during my Ironman and marathon training programs. I expected to feel the same way when I took on this challenge. Much to my surprise, I haven't experienced that "this is going to kill me" feeling. Now, don't get me wrong. I am plenty tired and worn out following a long or high-intensity workout but I have noticed that once I have refueled and taken an hour or so to recover, I feel fine......great even. Maybe its because I'm only focusing on one sport rather than three. Maybe its because swimming has little to no impact on my joints. Maybe its because I've been swimming since I was seven. Whatever the reason or combination of reasons, I'm surprised by it and find myself wondering if I'm doing enough or working hard enough. Right now, the yardage is at about 16k per week with 17k coming this week and 20k right on the horizon. Race day is 10 weeks away and my longest swim is only 90 minutes so far. I'll need to get to about 4 hours. When I think about how far I still have to go, I get that nervous pit in my stomach. 

Trust the training, trust the training, trust the training. (sigh)

Over the last few years, my 'threshold' pace was about 1:30/100 yards. This didn't waver by more than a second or 2 each year while training for both of my Ironman events. Focusing on just the swim and having my training personalized just for me, I've had much bigger gains that I thought I'd have. I've managed to reduce my threshold pace to about 1:24/100 yards in a relatively short period of time. At first, the adjusted pace made the training paces in my plan difficult and almost frightening. My thought was "Oh my, did I just test myself into a pace I can't hold?" At first, yes, it was a pace I wasn't comfortable training at. This has gotten easier over the past 6 weeks. Another pleasant surprise as I journey through all of this.

Another surprise.....I had someone ask me a few weeks back "what do you think about when you swim?" My answer.......nothing. Ha! Truly, I don't think about anything except the task at hand. Depending on the workout, I'm counting the laps or concentrating on my pace in relation to the tempo trainer or paying attention to my form and keeping my stroke long and smooth. If I'm in the open water, I'm thinking about my position in relation to the shore or other swimmers, looking for the next buoy and making sure I'm staying on course. It's almost hypnotic. I can't think about work, the kids, what I have to do that day or what I have to pick up at the store. It's so peaceful and relaxing......even when I'm working hard. I have friends that enjoy running or biking the same way. What's funny about the whole thing, I didn't realize how 'at home' I felt in the water until I took on marathon swimming even though I've been swimming most of my life.

Trusting the training, relaxing in the moment, enjoying the journey.

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